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The true test of character

The true test of character

Marty’s photo of the day #4204: Some people say religion makes a person good. That’s bullshit. Practically without exception, the most awful people I know—and know of—are the most religious. No, the true test of a person’s character is how they treat their dogs (or cats, if they swing that way). Yeah, I’m not guided […]

While Republicans chant “AOC sucks!” AOC does the decent thing

While Republicans chant “AOC sucks!” AOC does the decent thing

At Thursday’s Donald Trump rally in Michigan, the classy, thoughtful, intelligent, Jesus loving audience expressed appreciation that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was fighting to give them better health care, better education, and a better environment. Who am I kidding? They actually expressed love for their cult leader, and when encouraged by Greasy Son of Cult Leader, broke […]