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The killer chipmunk

The killer chipmunk

Marty’s photo of the day #4399: Nelle: “Don’t just stand there laughing at me, Dad. I’ve herded the killer chipmunk between the big boobs. All you have to do is scare it from the opposite side, and I’ll catch it. Then―finally―our property will be secure!”

Superstitions: good and gross

Superstitions: good and gross

Marty’s photo of the day #4398: I photographed this stork atop the remains of a decomposing church in rural Spain. According to superstition, a stork nesting atop a church brings good luck. While I don’t believe in any superstitions―whether organized or not―I appreciate superstitions that benefit wildlife. Other than the stork superstition, another favorite of […]

Baboons, minus the fu―

Baboons, minus the fu―

Marty’s photo of the day #4397: While backpacking across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, Deb and I stopped for an hour or so to watch a troop of chacma baboons. There was a lot of casual, unmarried fucking going on, but I’ve chosen a shot that doesn’t show that out of respect for any […]

Dogs and tools

Dogs and tools

Marty’s photos of the day #4395-4396: I tend to frown at stick-up-their-ass people who refuse to give animals the credit they deserve for both emotions and intelligence. And when I read articles about animals using tools, dogs are never included. One such article claimed, “In some cases, the objects are merely toys—but they become tools […]

Danger, danger, danger!

Danger, danger, danger!

Marty’s photo of the day #4394: While I’m always respectful of animals, sometimes being a wildlife photographer/writer doesn’t go as planned. Over the years, I’ve been stung by the world’s most venomous insect, bitten by a venomous snake, and attacked by a hippo (the hippo bit through the center of Deb’s and my canoe and […]

The water runner

The water runner

Marty’s photo of the day #4393: This is a Jesus Christ lizard, named because when people hear them frantically dashing through the leaf litter, they often yell, “Jesus Christ! What was that?” Okay, the species is actually called a Jesus Christ lizard, because the young ones have the ability to run across the surface of […]

Putting out the fire

Putting out the fire

Marty’s photos of the day #4388-4389: Last week featured a couple of outdoor adventures for Deb, Nellie, and me. Early in the week we had to dodge a charging moose, and yesterday we put out a forest fire. One of the advantages of being “a local” in Montana is that even when the tourists arrive […]

Everything was cool until . . .

Everything was cool until . . .

Marty’s photos of the day #4383-4385: These photos are from Deb’s, Nellie’s, and my adventure last night. As we do every evening, we walked the path that follows the perimeter of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. We were on the far side, when this moose burst through the trees and cut onto the path―just in front […]

Evolution and regression in Florida

Evolution and regression in Florida

Marty’s photo of the day #4382: Alligators have remained virtually untouched by evolution for more than 8 million years, which is something that is, obviously, unimpressive to Ron DeSantis, Florida’s Republican Party, and more than half of the state’s voting population. For they have perfected the art of regressing an entire society to where not […]

My honey comes home today!

My honey comes home today!

Marty’s photo of the day #4379: My honey comes home today! Deb and I have been married for thirty-eight years (I was five and she was eight on our wedding day), and since we’re both self-employed we are around each other all the time. Yeah, there are times when some little quirk bothers one or […]

La Villa de Castrotorafe

La Villa de Castrotorafe

Marty’s photo of the day #4378: The following two paragraphs from my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, explain this shot: One of our stops included the twelfth-century walled city of La Villa de Castrotorafe. I had spotted the city from the highway and turned onto a dirt road that led […]

Can you find the octopus?

Can you find the octopus?

Marty’s photo of the day #4377: Can you spot the octopus? The octopus is near the center, behind the first rock. After holding the octopus for a while, I sent her on her way. But rather than racing away, she was still curious about me. So she swam behind the rock and slowly lifted just […]