Marty’s photo of the day #3607: This photo is an hour old. Last night, Deb and I were taking part in our evening “porch” (our tradition of sitting on the front porch each evening with liquid refreshments, recapping the day’s events), when Deb spotted a black figure in the woods directly in front of us. Even with binoculars, it was too dark to figure out for sure what it was, but she speculated it was a sleeping moose.

This morning that question was answered. I was taking our dog, Nellie, out for a bathroom break, when I spotted the moose walking directly toward us. I rushed Nellie into the house and grabbed my good camera. Unfortunately, that camera was set-up for a close-up photo shoot we had recently done for Deb’s new book, but with the moose still moving there was no time to adjust the settings. I fired away, with most of the photos turning out blurry. Fortunately, he slowed just enough for this shot.

We get moose every single spring, but it’s always a celebration when the first one arrives! I am assuming this moose is a male, because he’s so huge—by far the biggest moose I’ve seen in years. Hopefully, he’ll stick around long enough to show-off a new set of antlers.