Marty’s photo of the day #3209: My wife and I are well prepared for sheltering in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sure, I lost my April college speaking tour and a book-signing and all the press and publicity that goes with those events. Sure, many of the stores that carry Deb’s weaving kits have temporarily closed. Still, we’ll survive the hit and be okay. We live in a remote area where we normally go days without seeing other people anyway. And now, stuck in my red writing room, I’ll get my sixth book out of the deal. That said, our biggest advantage is having Martyman around. He lives entirely on booze and magic mushrooms, only breathes when he wants to, and COVID-19 can’t penetrate his plastic skin. In fact, right now he’s going on a beer run for us. Does anyone need anything while he is out and about? We’ll send him over.